Friday, 11 July 2014

Responding to others

OK./ Thant's great

When accepting another person's proposal in every life, you can say 좋아요(jo a yo). To make it sound more formal, you can say 좋습니다(jot sseum ni da) instead, which is mainly used by men. Conversely, when turning down someone's proposal, you can say 미안해요(mi an hae yo) to apologize and then go on to explain the reasons for your refusal.

That's right./ That's correct.

When answering affirmatively to another person's question on the validity of certain information, you can say 맞아요(ma ja yo). When answering negatively you can use 틀려요(teul ryeo yo)(That's wrong/ That's incorrect). If you want to check if you are right, you can ask 맞아요? as a question with a rising intonation at the end. It is commonly used to confirm information that has been discussed such as telephone numbers or appointment times.

Of course./ Sure.

When expressing that something is just the way you would expect it to be or is a given, you can use 그럼요(geu rum yo). In a formal relationship such as in a company meeting, it is better to use 물론입니다(mul ron im ni da) instead.

Is that so?/ Really?

When learning new information or coming to understand a certain situation, you can respond saying 아, 그래요?(ah, geu rae yo?)with a rising tone at the end. It is most often used in colloquial conversation. You can also use it when showing interest in another's story or if you are uncertain of how to respond to it.

Is that true?/ Really?

When it is hard to believe a story that someone has told you or when you are really surprised at news that you have just heard, you can respond with 정말이에요?(jung mal i e yo?) It can be inappropriate to use this expression with senior people so it is better to use it only within close relationships.

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